Monday, December 30, 2019

The Theory Of A Open Market Economy - 2492 Words

The Economics of Fairity Wealth is a concept as old as civilization itself. Ever since humans first started to inhabit lands in large groups the concept of wealth has existed. It is the center hold of society. Weather it was furs, weapons, or gold, wealth or currency has been distributed between the hands of men and women of all walks of life. With this almost natural concept came another one of darker pretenses, the invisible hand. Originally proposed by logician and economist Adam Smith, the invisible hand is the concept of a open market economy in which everyone looks out solely for their own well being. This was seen at first as the sure fire way to ensure prosperity for all no matter what social class one may inhabit. However, this system of economic trickle down has proven not only inefficient, but outright criminal in many cases. Bernie Madoff was merely an exception, yes he has a 150 year sentence, but that s not going to get the innocent people their money back. Nevertheless people of high ec onomic influence are growing wealthier each day and little to nothing is being done to rectify the growing gap between America s social classes. The Fallacy of the Trickle and the nature of man. The major cause of today s economic inequality is the concept that wealth will trickle down from the top earners to everyone else with in a company, organization, or society. This concept has been popularized recently in American politics, but is an age old argument ofShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Free Trade1286 Words   |  6 Pagespanels for American workers to install means the higher unemployment rate among workers in the US. Solar panels industry is one example among many others. When workers lose jobs and get lower salaries, they become increasingly dissatisfied with the economy. 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For example the taxation, the government supply, money supply, interest rates, along with the labor market, and national ownership. Inside the economic policy you will find all sorts of things that help make the policy standRead MoreInvestment Vehicles For Emerging Muslim Economy1494 Words   |  6 PagesInvestment Vehicles for Emerging Muslim Economy: Which is which? Introduction Capital market play vital role in financial growth. Mutual fund is one of the securitization vehicles that commonly practice in today’s modern economics environment. Levy and Post (2005) mentioned investors, regardless of the type of investment they choose, have one common goal which is to get return out of their investment. Investors often have risk and return trade-off in determining their desire return. Thus, it is

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay about Religion Evolution - 2362 Words

In my short life on this planet I have come to question things that many take upon blind faith. We all know that we must some day die; yet we continuously deny the forces at work inside ourselves, which want to search out the answers of what may or may not come after. It is far easier for humanity to accept that they will go to a safe haven and be rewarded for their lives with pleasures and fantasies of an unfathomable scale than to question the existence of a supposed omnipotent being. Yet, there are a few of us humans who tend to question the whys and wherefores that society puts forth to us. We question the existence of God, or the creation of mankind rather than blindly accepting faith-filled beliefs we may received from our parents†¦show more content†¦You will note that there are several different definitions to each word. I felt it was important to include the added definitive statement to theory because it shows the difference between a scientific theory and an quot; everydayquot; theory based upon conjecture. The additional definitions to law and hypothesis are both added for a further understanding of these words.The definition of creationism is somewhat more complex. One must start by saying that the belief in the creation of the universe given at the beginning of the Bible is literally true. Creationism is a belief based solely upon faith (which is a belief in and of itself). There are no scientific facts as a basis for this belief, solely conjectural theories and speculations. It is ingrained into our minds, as children that a belief of a force, or supernatural entity, which is all powerful and all knowing, is watching over us and taking care of our needs. Yet, to me, saying this very sort of thing is heretical in its very essence. To be so crude as to think that some being which created the universe itself and all things in it would take the time to care for each and every individual is incomprehensible. In practically all ancient cultures, the biblical included, the universe was thought of as an original chaosShow MoreRelatedEvolution Vs Religion Vs Evolution921 Words   |  4 PagesDespite what people may think, evolution versus religion has been around for a long time. It is a well known debate topic in hundreds of countries. While being around in numerous centuries, and having an important role in many people’s lives, the controversy rages on. With the argument of evolution versus religion, some people may believe religion is the right answer, however evolution gives a whole new answer to the question due to the unrealistic nature of an omnipotent figure, supporting factorsRead MoreEvolution Of Science And Religion2915 Words   |  12 PagesEvolution is one of the major concepts in biology that ha d aroused a struggle between science and religion. There are two different viewpoints that have appeared from this conflict, one from scientists and one from the creationists. The scientists view evolution as a long-term process during which living organisms have developed over time. The teaching method that they see fit to this concept is through material in biology textbooks. These textbooks contain information on how certain species, organismsRead MoreThe Evolution of Religion1318 Words   |  6 Pagescreate a smoke-and-mirrors effect. In many ways this story is similar to the creation and interpretation of religion by individuals within society. In the following pages I will discuss this metaphor, as well as Rudolf Otto and his theories on the creation of religion, Peter L. Berger’s theory of â€Å"the sacred canopy,† and finally the intermingling of these two theories in the evolution of religion. RUDOLF OTTO AND RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE In The Idea of the Holy, Rudolf Otto begins by explaining theRead MoreEssay on The Evolution of Religion880 Words   |  4 PagesThe Evolution of Religion Near the end of his novel, Darwins Dangerous Idea, Daniel Dennett questions religion and contends that it was an evolutionary process to keep humans entertained. He says they [religions] have kept Homo Sapiens civilized enough, for long enough, for us to have learned how to reflect more systematically and accurately on our position of the universe(519). Dennetts position is a controversial one, and it is difficult to argue because it is such an abstract subjectRead MoreEvolution And Religion : The Disconnection2016 Words   |  9 PagesEvolution and Religion: The Disconnection For years, theologians and scientists have debacled as to which theories could be categorized as correct as opposed to incorrect theologies. On a larger scale, these individuals debate the question of the universe’s origin, as well as the origin of life itself. Some of the most contemplated questions theologians face are those that include thoughts regarding the creation of all living things. Whether or not all things that currently inhabit the world areRead MoreThe Evolution of Religion Essay967 Words   |  4 PagesThe Evolution of Religion As long as humans have walked the Earth, we have sought out answers. Answers for questions like: Why are we here? Where do we go when we die? Where did we come from? and Whats that? How different people answered these questions is important to study because it shows us the spiritual side of human nature. Especially now, a time of conflict between Islam and Western Civilization, it is important to look back and trace the evolution of religion. To see whereRead More Evolution: Science and Religion Essay2032 Words   |  9 Pages Evolution: Science and Religion In 1895 Charles Darwin published a book describing his theory of evolution, and his theory of the natural selection process. This theory caused much uproar in the religious community because Darwin’s theory went against the story of creation portrayed in the Holy Bible. His theory claimed that all life currently in place had evolved and adapted from a single organism in the beginning. Over time and by process of natural selection only the dominant species were leftRead MoreEvolution Of Science And Religion1179 Words   |  5 PagesWhen comparing science and religion there has been a great rift. As long as humanity has believed in a creator there as always been thinkers trying to quantify and evaluate the truth behind religion, trying to disprove or prove a supernatural force. The ancient Greeks were pioneering philosophers which started the great rift we see in the early development of scientific and quantified analysis. This was first started by Aristotle whuch believed that science was a process of trying to understandRead MoreThe evolution of apes was a possibility in the 19th century. Although religion had been cherished600 Words   |  3 PagesThe evolution of apes was a possibility in the 19th century. Although religion had been cherished for centuries, the doubts in people’s mines began to express many uncertainties about the bible and started to question their own beliefs. The issue of evolution was a huge concern in the 19th century as it was destroying the view of god and how he made the world; this caused many people to either change their views on life or their religion which had a huge part in resolving people’s beliefs in theirRead MoreEvolution of Abrahamic Religions 1022 Words   |  5 PagesEvolution of Abrahamic Religion s â€Å"Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.† Genesis 17:5. This is a direct excerpt from the king james Bible where God is renaming Abram to Abraham. Abraham became the father of many nations and to day three of the most popular religions that span many people groups and ethnicities can trace the roots of their beliefs back to Abraham. Three main religions sprouted from Abrahamic

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Abortions Free Essays

Abortion means the loss of a fetus before it is able to live outside the womb of a mother. It is a relatively simple and safe procedure when done by trained medical workers during the first three months of pregnancy. It is less safe when performed after the 13th week of pregnancy. We will write a custom essay sample on Abortions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Abortion as a way to end unplanned pregnancy especially those unwed mothers, victims of rape and to younger woman who are not ready to be a mother When abortion occurs spontaneously, it is often called a miscarriage. It can be intentionally caused, or induced. Abortion can caused deaths of many women from infection and bleeding. It also can cause sterility, or the permanent inability to have a child. .Former abortionist, McArthur Hill, M.D., says, â€Å"I am a murderer. I have taken the lives of innocent babies and I have ripped them from their mother’s wombs with a powerful vacuum machine.† â€Å"My heart got callous against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me to what abortion really was,† ( former abortionist, David Brewer, M.D) Body of the Paper Abortion is rampant nowadays, news from radios and televisions forecasting the recovery of fetus thrown anywhere. Mostly young unwed women get involved in premarital sex then when get pregnant will go on the process of abortion. There are types of Abortion namely; Non-surgical Abortion Non-surgical abortion is commonly called or known as â€Å"abortion by pill.† It is also referred to as medical abortion. It is a non-invasive procedure for terminating a pregnancy. The name of the abortion pill is Mifeprex, and it has also formerly been called mifepristone and RU-486. Surgical Abortion A first trimester surgical abortion, which is measured approximately up to 14 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period, is completed by a procedure known as dilatation and evacuation. The procedure alone will take approximately 5 minutes, although the visit to the healthcare facility clinic may take several hours. Emergency Contraception Emergency contraception, more commonly known as the â€Å"morning after pill,† is a contraceptive or birth control method that can prevent pregnancy immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure, but before pregnancy begins. Before in the United States, the supreme court in their 1973 ruling   give rights of every woman to obtain abortion and through that law many abortions were performed legally in unskilled ways, that caused deaths of woman’s through bleeding and infections. The Supreme Court has been responsible for most of the nation’s laws dealing with abortion. Their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution is considered the supreme law of the land.   laws dealing with abortion. The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution grants citizens the right to privacy. This right incorporates the right of a woman to kill her baby through an abortion. The Fourteenth Amendment was in no way ratified in order to grant women the right to an abortion. The amendment was ratified in 1868 as part of the Reconstruction legislation following the Civil War ruling. â€Å"The Court simply fashions and announces a new constitutional right for pregnant mothers and, with scarcely any reason or authority for its action, invents that right with sufficient substance to override most existing state abortion statutes.† In other words, seven federal justices simply decided that they wanted to make abortion legal and then did it. That law was opposed by many people especially the Roman Catholic Church because they believed that taking of a human life is a grave sin and it is against one of God’s commandments (Thou Shall Not Kill).It resulted to many debates and rallies. Those who are in favor to the legal availability of abortion cite the right of a woman to control their reproduction and they also give judgment that it is also the right of a physicians to perform abortions without fears of criminal charges. Other arguments in favor of abortion  Include population control, the social problems caused by the unwanted children, and the dangers of illegal abortion. There have been many attempts since 1973 to reduce free access to abortions. Laws have been passed by some states and at the federal level to: Require counseling and/or a cooling-off period before an abortion is perform Require an underage woman to notify, or obtain permission, from a parent, guardian or court.ed Ban abortions after viability of the fetus unless required to preserve the woman’s life or health. Require an underage woman to notify, or obtain permission, from a parent, guardian or court. Ban abortions after viability of the fetus unless required to preserve the woman’s life or health. Ban all abortions. Ban a DX abortion procedure, except when performed on a dead fetus or to save the life of the woman. In 1989 to 1992, the United States Supreme Court in 5-4 rulings upheld the provisions of a Missouri Law and a Pennsylvania law restricting abortion. This provisions helps minimize the attempt of abortion nationwide. Conclusion: Therefore I conclude that abortion is killing the life of an innocent fetus inside the womb of a mother. Abortion is done intentionally and unintentionally especially that woman who is not ready to become a mother. Several women now engaged in doing the abortion process especially those who are unwed mothers, students who engaged in drugs, rape victims, and those mothers who have more kids in the family and cant afford to sustain the needs of their children they are not conscious of the consequences in doing that act. Some will put to danger that lead to infections and caused death of many of them. Churches protest the rampant killings of fetus Because they believed that children’s are special gift from God and they have all the rights to live and enjoy the beauty of the earth created by our creator. Abortion is an illegal act and it should be punishable by law. References: Fettner Ann G. Abortions Retrieved November 14, 2006 from Compton’s Encyclopedia, Volume 1 p.11-12 What is Abortion? Retrieved November 14, 2006 from, Major laws concerning abortion: U.S. and Canada Retrieved from How to cite Abortions, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

gatwomen gatdaisy Plight of Daisy Buchanan in Fitz Essay Example For Students

gatwomen gatdaisy Plight of Daisy Buchanan in Fitz Essay geralds The Great Gatsby Great Gatsby EssaysThe Plight of Daisy in The Great Gatsby It seems that all that we know about Daisy Buchanan comes through Nick. Most readers see her as superficial, shallow and foolish but this outward appearance is Daisys attempt to conceal how she really feels. Nick tells the reader that Daisy purposely tries to avoid her true feelings because she knows about the severe pain that goes along with facing them. Daisy has several conflicts that she holds inside. For instance, she is aware that Tom has a mistress but does not know how to deal with it. Nick does not understand why Daisy is still married to Tom knowing what he does. At one point, Daisy chose to confess her true feelings to Nick. Daisy says that she rather be a foolincapable of and invulnerable to ideas and emotionsand she hopes that her daughter will be a fool also in order to shield her from the pain and suffering that she went through (160). Another conflict that plagues Daisy is her love for Jay Gatsby. Gatsby and Daisy were in love before he left for the war. After finding out that he was gone, Daisy, withdrew from society and vowed never to love again. Then, Daisy met Tom Buchanan and made herself love him. Daisy almost changed her mind about marrying Tom after receiving a letter from Gatsby before her wedding. Daisy later knew that she could not trust him because he had an affair soon after they married and she was pregnant when she found out about it. After a long history and broken hearts and the realization that love leads to emotional distress, Daisys spirits seemed to be lifted after the meeting with Gatsby. This meeting seemed to bring her back from the world of the emotionally dead (163). Fryer Sarah. Critical Essays of F.Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby. ED. Scott Donaldson. Boston:G.K. Hall ; Co.,1984.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Biblical World View Essay free essay sample

In The Essence of the New Testament: A Survey, Towns and Gutierrez, the authors concur with other Biblical scholars understanding that â€Å"the teaching of Romans is not only crucial for Christian theology, but the greatest revivals and reformations throughout the history of Christianity have resulted from an increased understanding and application of the teaching of this epistle† This essay will attempt to summarize how the first 8 chapters of this amazingly written Book of Romans shapes my own personal Biblical worldview. I will first look at 4 areas in which Paul specifically presents clear evidence to his readers of the truth of the Gospel Message. The first area He presents is in regard to the natural world that surrounds all mankind. In Romans 1: 19,20 Paul writes â€Å"For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. We will write a custom essay sample on Biblical World View Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † I remember as a child in Sunday school that I was often taught about God by looking at natural world that surrounded me. The sunrise, the rainbow, the oceans and many more wonders that pointed me to a God who was not only very powerful but very loving, too. He gives us rain so the soil can produce food and sunlight to give warmth and water to provide life to every living thing He created. Paul presented this basic truth about God because all mankind can easily relate to the amazing natural world that affects his of her everyday life. God has created an amazing order to His World so man must know that the world they live in is a divine creation. Seeing God in nature is not only evidence for me that He is real, but also I see this natural world as another of the beautiful gifts that He gives us to enjoy. And for me, it is a strong reminder each day that God loves me. The second area Paul focuses on is our own human identity. Mans identity is built on what he has clearly seen in nature. So, Paul quickly moves to point out that once humans have experienced Gods creation and they choose not to  honor Him â€Å"They are without excuse; for though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God of give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. † Romans1 :20-21. Paul goes on to list the many sinful ways of the darkened minds that chose not to honor God. The inspired list of sins that Paul declares leaves no room for any man to truly believe that he is without sin. It is in that list of sins that Paul shows the separation of all mankind from God. It is only in that place of acknowledgment of sin that man can begin to understand his or her human identity. My own human identity is shaped more and more each day as I choose to stand before God acknowledging that I am a sinner. I have a world view that is changing to become more understanding of the need to spread the Gospel message because of my increased awareness of my own sin nature. The third and forth areas of Pauls writing in Romans builds on the first two. Now that mankind has had the obvious evidence of the existence of God in Nature, and now that mankind has seen that he fits somewhere on the list of behaviors that do not honor God, Paul moves on to point out the affects of ungodly living. Mankind began to worship idols, and humans turned against each other as the result of turning their hearts and minds against God. Because of mans choice to turn from God, the sinful nature of man was as plain to see in the culture of the day as was the nature of God was plain to see in the natural world He had created. Any man whose heart was not completely heartened could begin to see that Paul†s message about God was full of truth. When I look back at the times in my life when I have lived without God. Or when I live knowing Him without really realizing that He is in control, not me; I begin to feel the emptiness that living without Him brings to me and those around me. Not only emptiness, but sometimes total chaos due to lack of purpose. As I realize my own personal struggles with faith, I can see how this world needs a savior, too! Paul presents evidence of a people and of a culture that has turned from God. As the Jews put themselves above Greeks and dissension grew among so many different cultures, the will of God had become lost. Pauls writing in Romans made clear what Gods will is for mankind. To summarize, Paul presented a biblical world view in Romans that no man could truthfully reject. God can be seen in nature. Just as God can be seen in nature so can the sinful nature of man be seen in culture we live in. All mankind knows this truth in their heart yet all men refuse to totally honor God. â€Å"Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;† Romans 3:23 Paul sets the stage for mankind to accept the Gospel message of forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. Thank God for the inspired writing that is the Book of Romans. It can inspire all its reader to take a trip on the Roman Road to Salvation.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Fast Food Essay

Fast Food Essay Fast Food Essay Fast food has influenced the best of us in many ways. Every person in the United States, even around the world, everyone has become exceedingly indolent and we all depend on this indigenous source of food. As we grow up our parents feed us what is now known as â€Å"Fast food.† Everyone in the world knows this food is an impediment to our health and how we should be living. People also do not understand what they are consuming when they eat these fast food products. Children of the fast food generation are growing substantially because parents have become so indolent. Life for America is exceedingly easy anymore, mainly because fast food and the techniques that we live by are ameliorated. Fast food is so ubiquitous that when the designated cooker of each family decides they simply don’t want to cook, they simply go out and order fast food because it is not only cheap, but fast to get and convenient. Although do they really know the dire consequences that either an anima l or person had to suffer in order for them to get their $20 worth of family food? American consumes more fast food now then they ever had, but the real problem is that no one seems to know what really is in fast food and how it effects our society. Most people would come into the world with little knowledge about what weight is and what we should all think about it. As they mature we all know that body mass is exceedingly important and when people begin to gain the overlooked weight they begin to notice that places like the CDC would say about being obese. Anymore it’s normal to see people who are over weight, but when â€Å"over 9 million children† are being shown as obese before they are the age of 20, it is not something to be proud of. When children begin being that obese at that young age â€Å"they are more prone to get type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure† and as Americans we all know how serious these small things really are f or our health. As children they also have â€Å"an 80% of being obese when they are adults and as research has shown that when â€Å"obesity begins before the age of 8 adult obesity will be exceptionally more severe.† Unfortunately for most people obesity is hard to get rid of and the lifestyle choices that cause it shape a life time of obesity. Most people would relate obesity to fast food and what food we intake (CDC 1). Consequently for most people who eat fast food they do not understand what it is that they are eating. They do not understand that what they are eating is abused and genetically modified animals. People are not looking into the â€Å"genetically modified breast of McDonald’s chicken McNuggets† (Schlosser 140) or the abuse that calves â€Å"only a few days old,† (Humane Society 1) will have to endure for our mere eating pleasure. Steroids and growth hormones are unwonted for humans, but most people do not notice that most â€Å"bovines are given growth hormones and most people are beginning to ban such practices† (Schlosser 142). Just as animals are abused and used the food we generate from these animals is ameliorated through the past decades people are finding new ways to modify their food with things that are not natural anymore. People are beginning to put certain things like â€Å"animal products† (Schlosser 128) in their French fries, things that we believe are just friend potatoes. As Schlosser states in his book Fast Food Nation about the additives that go into our food, we learn of all the added preservatives and unnatural flavor. He goes into depth of the actual way our famous hamburgers get that amazing unpretentious flavor that addicts us all (128-129). We are all in fault of this auspicious way to feed our families everyday. It may seem that this food has become completely tyrannical because fast food inclusively has taken the enjoyment of cooking and being with our families at dinner away from us. Fast food has garnered their reputation through advertising to the children of today. Schlosser researched the

Thursday, November 21, 2019

You are what you eat Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You are what you eat - Research Paper Example Ecological footprint calculators ask things such as how much of each kind of meat you might eat in a given week and where do you purchase your food, whether it's at a natural foods store, a local farmer's market or a chain grocery store. Two types of food that can increase your ecological footprint are beef and prepackaged frozen meals. Beef comes from cows and cows hurt the earth in many ways including producing high amounts of methane, polluting freshwater with their excrement, ruining topsoil with their grazing, and requiring a lot of grain to produce the meat we eat. Prepackaged frozen food uses the original resources necessary to create that food to begin with - whether its fish or chicken or vegetables - and then compounds the problem by processing that food for transportation to a manufacturing plant where it is all put together in packages that use more resources and then frozen using more resources. Once everything is ready to be stored, more resources need to be used to kee p the frozen packages frozen as they are shipped to wherever they will be sold, to keep them frozen in the store, and then to keep them frozen in our homes until we're ready to eat them. Then we have to use electricity to heat them and usually end up throwing the packaging away instead of recycling it. To understand this concept better, I chose to analyze the ecological footprint of eating Fritos Bean Dip.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Indication of Ability Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Indication of Ability - Speech or Presentation Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that students get one, single day to prove that they understand the necessary concepts of the course material. It doesn’t matter if they might be having an ‘off’ day, or maybe they are coming down with the most recent virus. Schools, even universities, are breeding grounds for viruses and bacteria of all kinds. When one student gets sick, more usually follow.   What about no sleep before the exam? Statistics say that a large number of students get little to no sleep before their exams. Tired brains do not function as well as awake ones, and a certain level of alertness is required in order to complete an exam. How well a student performs throughout the semester sounds like a far better way of deciding who understand the course material and who doesn’t. There is far less stress, which allows the students to act as they normally would. In a study done at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, 128 students were examin ed over a 6-week period. 63 students out of the 128 had special group training sessions to help increase relaxation and reduce stress. At the end of the 6-week period, it was found that the students who received the training had significant reductions in stress and anxiety. The 65 students who did not receive the training had no significant reductions in stress and anxiety. Like everything, there are alternatives and exceptions. Project-based courses are always an option that could be considered as an alternative to exams. The projects can last for the entire semester, giving students plenty of time to do research and put everything together. Because there is such an extended period of time, the stress is minimal, and the learning process continues. There is no cramming or worrying, and the student can actually get the sleep that they need in order to learn in a healthy way.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Game scrabble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Game scrabble - Essay Example In this paper, we shall have a look into the lives of three characters and their relationship to scrabble (Petrillo & Chaikin, 2004). In the documentary video called Word Wars posted by Julian Petrillo and Eric Chaikin in You Tube, a detailed analysis is made about scrabble through looking into the lives of some of the characters who won the Scrabble prize money some years ago. One of the characters is Matt Graham, who at the moment was the 8th best player in the world (Petrillo & Chaikin, 2004). A close up into his personal and games life was made and the audience had a look at how a scrabble champion lives. In Matt’s case, he is obsessed with scrabble. First of all, Matt lives a simple life, he is neither rich nor poor, but he is constantly dreaming of becoming a champion another time so that he can take the prize money home. He is a down to earth person, and one could get a glimpse of what he does at his home (Petrillo & Chaikin, 2004). From the documentary, Matt does not have a regular job, though plays scrabble as a professional. In as much as he knows that becoming a professionally paid scrabble playe r entails a lot of hard work and dedication, he does not relent on this, but instead pushes himself to the limits. He has a library full of dictionaries to nourish him with new words (Petrillo & Chaikin, 2004). He has studied volumes of dictionaries and constantly yearns for more in order to build his word vocabulary. In order for Matt to boost his brain capacity to absorb the large quantities of information, he uses a number of drugs (Petrillo & Chaikin, 2004). From the documentary, you can clearly see he uses a number of brain boosters. One could think he is a psychiatric case with obsessiveness to the game through the kind of investments he has made for such a game. At his house, Matt is not an organized person based on the unarranged stuff in his house. In addition, he is not a

Friday, November 15, 2019

Responsiveness Vs Efficiency in Supply Chain Management

Responsiveness Vs Efficiency in Supply Chain Management A firms ability to satisfy customer requirements in a timely manner is referred to as Responsiveness, while efficiency is a firms ability to deliver goods in accordance with the customers expectations with least wastage in terms of raw materials, labour and cost. While choosing what supply chain process is to be used, the choice one has to make is between responsiveness and efficiency.It is Extremely vital to identify the correct framework to device the most effective supply chain.Different frameworks has been suggested for arriving at a proper supply chain process.But the choices has been widely varied.The first person to arrive at a standardized solution was Fisher, who suggested the proper supply chain framework can only be decided by analyzing the nature of the demand for the product. For functional products (stable, predictable demand, long life cycle, and slow clockspeed) Fisher argues that the supply chain should be designed for cost efficiency; for innovative products (volatile demand, short life cycle, fast clockspeed) he maintained that the supply chain should be designed to be fast and responsive.Fishers model was modified by Lee in 2002 who suggested that the choice between responsiveness and efficiency can only be made by conside ring the tendency with which the value of the product changes between production and delivery to the customer.He deduced that for products whose value remains constant throughout the entire supply chain, any of the two parameters can be selected.But for perishable products whose value changes very rapidly throughout the supply chain and hence in the cost of time delays, both the parameters i.e responsiveness and efficiency can be used collaboratively to retain the value of the product. As we see for products like melons, sweet corn, flowers or sea food the declining value varies with time. In the initial stage the declining value is sufficiently high while in the later parts the value stabilizes to a large extent. In such a scenario we will not be able to use a single supply chain methodology throughout the entire process. If the entire process is responsive, then the later part of the supply chain will not be cost efficient whereas if the entire process is cost efficient the products may not reach the customers timely and due to very high declining rate at the initial stage of the supply chain, the products may get degraded. In such a scenario we use a combination of responsive and efficient supply chain. The supply chain process for melons has been illustrated below. In the critical time period between picking and cooling (t0 to t1), product loses value at a rapid, exponential rate and the supply chain must be responsive. In the interval post-cooling (t1 to t2), the products value declines at a much slower rate and the supply chain can designed for cost efficiency. Then again for products whose loss in value cannot be stabilized and continue to lose value at an exponential rate, like sweets the supply chain has to be responsive to attain optimization. There are other perishables like milk whose declining value at initial stage is low but degrades at a rapid pace at the lower stages, a reverse combination i.e. initially a cost efficient then a responsive supply chain may be deviced.Thus we can effectively conclude that the supply chain process can be determined only after analyzing the value system of the particular perishable and it changes from item to item. ROAD AHEAD The major players in the $125-billion logistics and supply chain space are Railways, roads, ports, airlines and warehouses. The unorganized sector accounts for most of the business, comprising truck owners, warehouse operators and freight forwarders. Road transport is dominated by fleets consisting of less than 5 trucks that accounts for over two thirds of the trucks operating in India, according to a Delloite report.Increasing understanding and collaboration between these small operators can bring down costs as well delivery time significantly. The government of India has taken up the initiative of constructing 2500 Kms of road by 2010-11.As well they have taken up the effort to improve other road transport means by a huge extent. The planned list of such targets has been tabulated below. With such plans in place it is expected that the road network to be much more extensive and transport to be much more robust. Indian Railways is the dominant player in the rail segment spanning 63,332 route km. Though the existing railway network is constrained by capacity limitations, there sector is being liberalized gradually with licenses being awarded to private players for container transportation. Indias port infrastructure consists of 12 major ports and around 180 non-major ports. Several of them have drawn foreign and private equity investments. These include Gujarat Pipavav, Mundra Port and Gangavaram Port. As for air transport, again, with a vibrant and robust private sector participation has led to infrastructure improvement. The civil aviation ministry has set a target of getting around 500 airports operational all over the country. This will include renovation of old airports as well as developing Greenfield airports.Industry experts hold the opinion that the warehousing segment will have potential once Goods and Services tax(GST) regime replaces the differential state tax structure. Now, comp anies set up small warehouses in different states to adhere to various tax codes. But with goods and services Tax companies are expected to set up large IT-enabled centralized warehouses that would provide a huge impetus to the logistics and supply chain operations.Enabling one stop logistics shopping is another major drive. Some others also are attempting to achieve the same goal, but by bringing in different operators together and keeping their own assets and resources low. For perishable items the development of Cold Chain storage is extremely vital. The Government of India (GOI) has accorded high priority to the establishment of cold chains and encourages major initiatives in this sector. Foreign equity participation of 51% is permitted for cold chain projects. There is no restriction on import of cold storage equipment or establishing cold storages in India. National Horticulture Board (NHB) operates a capital investment subsidy scheme (CISS) which provides 25% (maximum Rs.50 lakhs) subsidies to the promoter. Furthermore, to handle the expected higher agricultural production during the Tenth Plan Period, the Inter Ministerial Task force on Agricultural Marketing Reforms constituted by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has recommended the creation of additional cold chain facilities at an investment cost of Rs. 2500 crore of which Rs. 625 crore are to be provided as subsidy and the rest has to come as private investment. They have also suggested modernization of existing facilities with an investment cost of Rs. 2100 crore of which Rs. 525 crore are to be subsidy and the balance to come as private investment. The state governments also have initiatives in the food processing and cold chain sectors. With all these development the effectiveness and efficiency of the logistics and supply chain of perishable items is expected to grow by a huge extent in India and the waste is supposed to get reduced substantially.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Greek Architecture And Orders :: essays research papers

Greek Architecture and Orders Greek Architecture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Greek architecture has been noted as some of the world's finest buildings known to man kind. Such as the Parthenon, and the temples they built to their Gods, have been studied over for many years. The way these structures were built is fascinating. The Three Greek Orders of Architecture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Greek architecture is broken down into three orders. These orders were determined by the way that the top or capital of each column was sculpted. The first order was called the Doric Order. This was the most simple of the three. It was only meant for sturdiness, not for beauty. The second order was called the Ionic order. They had capitals sculpted like spiraling scrolls. They too were not that beautiful, but very sturdy. The third was the Corinthian Order. Ta the top of each capital of this order were carved Acanthus leaves. They were very beautiful, but not quite as sturdy as the other two. The columns were sometimes replaced with load-bearing statues called Caryatids. Greek Homes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Greek houses were probably the most common of all buildings. They were built out of mud, and bricks. They all had a few rooms for dining, cooking, bathing, and sleeping. To conclude about Greek homes, most Greek citizens spent their time away from home, so little architectural specialties were put into the households. Ancient Greek Temples   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Greeks spent alot of hard work, time and effort into the temples they built for their gods. This was where the three orders were put into effect. The Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders were popular forms all over Greece. Greek temples were made of stone, some were made of Marble. The Greeks constructed many acropolises, one famous one was the Partheneon.

Monday, November 11, 2019

BJB Manufacturing Company Essay

Instructor namePart II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Theory The organizational direction leads way to research and note that Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s 14 point plan for management. Deming’s theory for management has significantly improved the effectiveness and lives of many individuals through the focus of quality and improvement especially in the workforce of organizations around the world. His theory allows for organizations and its employees to plan better for the future and improve their processes, services, products, and relationships. Deming’s philosophy also institutes cooperation and processes for continual improvement in systems and communication. His 14-points for management focused on understanding implementation and change management to increased quality. It represented solutions to problems encountered by companies. BJB Manufacturing Company use of this theory includes suppliers, management, employees, and customers input for continued process improvement. Suggested Quality Theory for BJB Manufacturing Company Deming’s 4 points for management theory does provide steps that ensure great quality. His theory transforms the manner in which managers conduct his or her jobs from a production standpoint and helps leaders to stay focused on the methods of improving the production system. The point is to have them avoid focusing on one area of the process. Deming’s theory also stresses that manufacturing is a system and that the supplier and customer are an important part of the quality system. When there is consistent feedback from the customers, it helps with the improvement of the services and products. The theory recommends steady improvement of individuals within the system, and the communication that goes on between them. Deming’s 14 Points-Customer-Driven and Process-Driven Quality Requirements Deming’s 14 points for management are applicable in customer-driven and process-driven quality management. Customers are the stakeholders and BJB Manufacturing Company cannot live without them. It is important for  organizational management, employees, and supervisors to look at things through the customers viewpoint of quality and how the company employs quality management throughout the business. When understanding the customer’s viewpoint of quality that is provided, it allows the company to implement the actions that must be taken to improve the quality, service, and manufacturing, and further refine the path to success (Foster, 2007). Companies in the manufacturing industry need to ensure that the products go beyond the demand of the customer’s, the value, supply, quality, and satisfaction. BJB Manufacturing Company will achieve this goal by employing cross-functional levels of excellence throughout the organization. The organization will ensure that the materials being used to produce the products are of the highest quality while conducting quality control checks prior to shipment. The organization must empower employees to identify concerns of quality in production of the compact disc changers and work to eliminate the barrier of fear in the company in order to improve the quality. Once the fear is eliminated and the company has established effective communication between the management and employees, the company can improve the production and services and be on a good path toward increased productivity which will exceed customer expectations. Deming’s 14 points for management are key to ensure good quality. Part II of the quality management focuses on instituting a climate of leadership, providing employees with the tools they need in order to succeed, breaking down barriers to production, and inspiring employees which can produce a transitional climate capable of success. Deming’s 14 points theory of management can apply to small and large organizations, the service industry, and manufacturing. They equally apply to any division within a company and to its suppliers (Deming’s 14 Points, 2011). Part III: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Implementation Strategy BJB Manufacturing Company’s quest to develop a systematic process to exceed customer needs and expectation requires an implementation strategy that the whole organization can engage in a continued improvement process. This strategy to influence customer satisfaction must address quality management issues within the manufacturing process and determine an effective means to provide focus across all aspects of the business. This effort of deploying the quality management initiative requires application across every business sectors and  functions of the organization.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Improving Scope Definition Through Project Performance Information Technology Essay Essays

Improving Scope Definition Through Project Performance Information Technology Essay Essays Improving Scope Definition Through Project Performance Information Technology Essay Essay Improving Scope Definition Through Project Performance Information Technology Essay Essay the work that must be performed to present a merchandise, service, or consequence with the specified characteristics and maps )[ 7 ]. Project range definition is the procedure by which undertakings are defined and prepared for executing and It is at this important phase where hazards associated with the undertaking are analyzed and the specific undertaking executing attack is defined[ 8 ]. It follows from above definitions that if the work to be done in a undertaking is non clear or non decently defined, the executing of such undertaking will run into jobs. One of such jobs is cost overproductions. Poor range definition and loss of control of the undertaking range rank as the most frequent lending factors to be overproductions [ 9 ]. 2.3 Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) and WBS Dictionary A range is better understood when interrupt down into smaller manageable spots or constituents and the WBS helps to make this. The WBS is a tree construction of in turn farther dislocations of work range into constituent parts for planning, delegating duty, managing, commanding, and describing undertaking advancement[ 10 ]. The top of the tree represent the whole and subsequent degrees represent divisions of the whole on a degree by flat footing until the smallest component desired is defined[ 11 ]. What the WBS contains are scope deliverables and non the activities and undertaking to carry through the deliverables. These undertaking and activities are covered in the undertaking agenda. However a agenda draws from the lowest degree of the WBS which is the work bundle. The WBS is farther defined as an effectual show technique for specifying and forming undertaking work. For the proprietor, the WBS represents what is being bought while for the contractor, it contains all work being performed on the undertaking [ 12 ]. The WBS is derived from the Asset Owner s range statement. The WBS does non stand entirely, as a lexicon of existent range must attach to the WBS construction[ 13 ]. The WBS dictionary describes the particulars and exact range of each deliverable. While the WBS is an effort to decently specify range its success has nevertheless been limited. The chief ground is that its elements and descriptions are non standardized even within the same organisation. Some organisations and undertaking directors are even confused about the proper usage of the WBS. Humphreys, G, 2002, alluded to this confusion when he asked the inquiry, If this structured attack to forming the range of work ( mentioning to WBS ) is normally used, why is there confusion? [ 14 ]. Humphreys reply is that some individuals use the WBS to reflect the organisation that is carry throughing the work instead than the work itself[ 15 ]. Other misconceptions are comparing the WBS with a agenda or list of activities to present the plants. The terminal consequence of these misconceptions and deficiency of criterions is hapless range definition. 2.4 Poor Scope Definition and Reasons for it. Poor range definition refers to scope whose definition is uncomplete, unequal, inaccurate or obscure. As before stated hapless range definition is the root cause of many undertaking failures. One may desire to inquire, what are the grounds for hapless range definition? I province below a few of the grounds: Absence or non usage of a range definition tool Absence of standardised WBS The hastiness to acquire budget blessing Poor interface between Engineering ( Design ) and undertaking squad Customers/Client non doing up their heads on clip. Incompetence of design squad Misinterpretation of clients demands For 1st clip plus proprietors ; non grasp of the terminal merchandise from the beginning. Owner non willing to perpetrate resources for full range definition 3 THE NEED TO IMPROVE PROJECT SCOPE DEFINITION The demand to better undertaking range definition arises from the impact hapless range definition has on undertakings. Where range definition is hapless a undertaking is impacted in several ways. Some of these impacts are summarized here below: 3.1 IMPACTS OF POOR PROJECT SCOPE DEFINITION Impact on cost estimations: Poor scope definition leads to detain in the bringing of estimations, over or under appraisal, high degree of eventuality allowance and uninterrupted alteration of the estimations as omitted points are added or inaccurate points are corrected. Furthermore concluding cost will be higher than budgeted. Harmonizing to OConnor and Vickroy 1986, concluding undertaking costs can be expected to be higher because of the inevitable alterations which interrupt undertaking beat, cause rework, increase undertaking clip, and lower the productiveness every bit good as the morale of the work force[ 16 ]. Impact on agenda: Poor scope definition leads to schedule slippage and accordingly late bringing of the undertaking. A typical illustration is the add-on of necessary work points that were omitted from the range the agenda was based on. These will necessitate extra clip to be after and put to death. There would besides be holds ensuing from the integrating of the new plants into the bing plants as the undertaking beat will be disrupted and some points reworked. Poor range definition leads to an unrealistic agenda and this will give false information during advancement measuring. This means that a contractor could be overpaid or underpaid when earned value measuring is based strictly on the agenda. Another impact is that resources will be wrongly allocated to activities as their exact range is unknown. Impact on hazard appraisal: One of the hazard events that undertakings cater for is deficiency of, or hapless range definition. This hazard is mitigated by the usage of eventuality, pecuniary in instance of cost estimations and extra resources or longer continuances in footings of agenda. Contingency is an sum added to an estimation or agenda to let for alterations that experience shows will probably be required[ 17 ]. These are normally referred to as Known Unknowns . Experience has shown that one time a eventuality is provided, it is frequently used up. Furthermore the cost of the alterations covered by eventuality for points that are non similar to bing plants are higher because of clip difference and deficiency of competition during the executing stage, therefore the plus proprietor pays more than he should hold paid if the range was wholly defined before executing stage. Claims and many alteration orders: Poor scope definition leads to schedule slippage which in bend leads to contractual claims for extension of clip every bit good as extended undertaking direction, caput office operating expense and site indirect cost. Apart from clip extension claims, there would besides be claims for loss of net income, underutilization of planned resources, standby clip necessitated by many range alterations and outstanding work range definitions and elucidations. Where there is schedule slippage, the undertaking proprietor may order acceleration steps to unclutter out the slippage. The cost for this acceleration is recoverable by the contractor if the cause of agenda slippage is due to hapless range definition. The undertaking proprietor ends up paying more than he should hold paid if range was good defined. Undertaking Abandonment: If the impacts discussed above are extended, the undertaking may be abandoned as the proprietor may non hold the necessary financess to go on with the plants. This is normally the instance with many authorities undertakings. Furthermore the return on investing ( ROI ) may no longer be attractive coercing the proprietor to abandon or suspend the undertaking. If we must avoid or minimise the above impacts, a batch more work demand to be done at specifying the undertaking range. Following this demand for improved undertaking range definition, the Construction Industry Institute ( CII ) funded a research which resulted to the development of a undertaking definition tool, called the Project Definition Rating Index ( PDRI ) , Industrial version in 1996. The Building version followed in 1999. The following section of this paper will discourse the Project Definition Rating Index and how it is used to better undertaking range definition 4 PROJECT DEFINITION RATING INDEX ( PDRI ) 4.1 WHAT IT IS The Project Definition Rating Index ( PDRI ) is a undertaking direction tool designed to increase the likeliness of undertaking success by bettering undertaking range definition, specifically by placing lacks in range definition early during the front-end planning procedure[ 18 ]. Cho C. S and Edward Gibson Jr described it ( PDRI-Industrial ) as a range definition tool that is widely used by contrivers in the industrial undertakings sector[ 19 ]. Edward Gibson Jr ( 2004 ) described it as a hazard direction tool as it identifies and steps hazards related to project range definition[ 20 ]. There are two versions of this tool, the PDRI Industrial undertakings and PDRI Building undertakings. PDRI Industrial was developed in 1996 for Industrial undertakings such as refineries, chemical workss, power workss and heavy fabrication while the edifice version was developed from the Industrial version in 1999. It covers assorted constructing types such as offices, schools, flat edifices, hotels etc. The construction of the PDRI is as follows: Table 1: PDRI Structure[ 21 ] Version Sections Classs Elementss PDRI Industrial 3 15 70 PDRI Buildings 3 11 64 Please see Appendix 1[ 22 ]for description of the subdivisions, classs and elements ( PDRI Buildings ) The elements are critical range definition elements divided into classs and subdivisions as shown in table 1 above. The elements are arranged in a leaden mark sheet format and supported by 38 ( 34 for PDRI Industrial ) pages of elaborate description and checklist[ 23 ]. The elements covers all range countries expected in a typical undertaking. The leaden mark sheets show the subdivision, the class, elements with their weights and the range definition degrees every bit good as a column for component mark. The range definition degrees are 6 in figure runing from 0, which means non applicable, to 1, intending complete definition, 2 minor lacks, 3 some lacks, 4- major lacks and 5- incomplete or hapless definition. The weights were determined via workshops sing the comparative importance of each component to each other and its possible impact on the undertaking. Each component has a alone weight under each of the definition degrees ( degrees 1 5 ) , flat 0, being an component that is n on applicable to the undertaking under consideration. If all degree 5 ( uncomplete range definition ) assigned weights are added together for the 70 elements of PDRI Industrial ( 64 for PDRI Building ) we would hold a entire leaden mark of 1000 points which is the worst instance. Similarly if all elements are wholly defined i.e at degree 1 definition, the add-on of the assigned leaden tonss for the 70 elements ( or 64 PDRI Buildings ) under this definition would give a sum of 70 points, which is the best instance. In a typical undertaking appraisal utilizing PDRI, the undertaking mark would be between 70 and 1000 points. It follows that the lower the undertaking score the better defined the undertaking is in footings of range. A mark of 200 points or below utilizing this tool was shown to statistically increase the predictability of undertaking result. A sample of 40 undertakings utilizing the industrial version of the PDRI indicated that those undertakings hiting below 200 versus those hiting above 200 had: Average cost nest eggs of 19 % versus estimated for design and building Schedule decrease by 13 % versus estimated for design and building Fewer undertaking alterations Increased predictability of operational public presentation [ 24 ]. Table below is an infusion of a leaden mark sheet. Table 2: Infusion of PDRI weighted score sheet ( Buildings )[ 25 ] Definition degrees 0 = Not Applicable 2 = Minor Deficiencies 4 = Major Lacks 1 = Complete Definition 3 = Some Deficiencies 5 = Incomplete or Poor Definition A undertaking squad utilizing this tool reviews each of the 70 or 64 elements ( industrial or edifice ) along with its item description and compares them to the range definition bundle of the undertaking under consideration and scores the completeness of the element definitions. The mark for each component is recorded in the mark column and added to give the class mark and the class tonss are added to give the subdivision mark, subdivision tonss are added to give the undertaking PDRI mark. The lower the PDRI score the better the range definition. How existent marking is done will be discussed subsequently in this paper. Benefits of the PDRI The PDRI has many benefits or utilizations. Harmonizing to Cho, C.S and Gibson, G. Jr, 2001, it can be used as: A checklist that a undertaking squad can utilize for finding the necessary stairss to follow in specifying the undertaking range A listing of standardised range definition nomenclature An Industry criterion for evaluation the completeness of the undertaking range definition bundle during the planning procedure in order to mensurate advancement, buttocks hazard, and re-direct hereafter attempt. A agency for undertaking squad participants to accommodate differences utilizing a common footing for undertaking rating A tool that aids in communicating and alliance between proprietors and design contractors by foregrounding ill defined countries in a range definition bundle A preparation tool for organisations and persons A benchmarking tool for organisations to utilize in measuring completion of range definition versus the public presentation of past undertakings, in order to foretell the chance of success on future undertakings. [ 26 ] Using the PDRI to measure undertakings degree of definition This subdivision deals with the existent marking of a undertaking to find its degree of definition. A undertaking squad meets at any point during the pre-project planning stage to carry on the appraisal. Amongst them is an independent facilitator who is sooner non portion of the undertaking squad but has good cognition of the undertaking. The undertaking squad and facilitator are provided with the range definition bundle of the undertaking ( scope statement, WBS, surveies, design sketches/drawings, specifications etc ) an un-weighted PDRI mark sheet, elaborate PDRI elements description and a leaden mark sheet sooner for merely the facilitator. It is non advisable to supply the leaden mark sheet to team members at the hiting session as they may be tempted to aim a peculiar mark. An un-weighted mark sheet for Buildings is shown in Appendix 2[ 27 ]. Each component and its description are read from the PDRI and this is compared to what is provided in the range definition bundle of the undertaking being assessed. See infusion of element description in Appendix 3[ 28 ]. The undertaking squad by consensus selects a degree of definition ( 0 to 5 ) that fits the component under consideration and checks the box under the definition degree that correspond to the component. The facilitator picks the leaden mark that corresponds with the checkered definition box ( in un-weighted mark sheet ) and transportations it to the mark column of the leaden mark sheet and that becomes the mark for the component. This procedure is repeated for all the PDRI elements. The elements score so derived are added together to give the class mark and the classs score added together give the subdivisions mark and subdivisions mark added gives the PDRI mark for the undertaking. The lower the entire PDRI mark, the better the undertaking range definition. Higher weights signify that certain elements within the range bundle deficiency equal definition and should be re-examined anterior to building paperss development. [ 29 ] Improvement of range definition utilizing PDRI The PDRI 70 or 64 elements ( Industrial or Building ) are comprehensive descriptions of all range issues to be encountered in a undertaking. They are issues that need to be addressed in pre-project planning[ 30 ]. If Undertaking proprietors and design squads work with the PDRI elements, they are non likely to hold skips of critical elements in the undertaking range. It serves as their checklist in specifying the undertaking range. With the elaborate description of the PDRI elements a installation proprietor is made cognizant of the extra information he needs to supply to guarantee undertaking success. When these are provided scope definition is improved. One of the ways to better undertaking range definition is the usage of standardised work interrupt down construction ( WBS ) . An acceptable standardised WBS has been an semblance both in the Building and Industrial Sector. The hierarchy of PDRI subdivisions, classs and elements can organize the footing of a work dislocation construction ( WBS ) for proper range planning[ 31 ]. This can be adopted as a criterion topic to some amendments discussed subsequently in this paper. The PDRI hiting procedure throws up points that are ill defined and therefore necessitate farther action. So instead that travel with uncomplete range into the following gate or executing stage, a better definition is sought and achieved before proceeding. When making a PDRI appraisal equivocal statements or definitions are identified and clarified from relevant stakeholders, therefore bettering on the range definition. Some Examples of Current Application of PDRI The US Army Corps of Engineers in its Engineering and Construction Bulletin No. 2010-17 dated 29th July 2010 issued a guideline for the execution of Project Definition Rating Index. It states Get downing with the FY11 USACE managed MILCON Program, execution of PDRI will be a demand. [ 32 ] The US Department of Energy besides issued a usher for the usage of PDRI for its Traditional Nuclear and Non- Nuclear Construction Projects, dated 22nd July 2010. It stated, This Guide assists persons and squads involved in carry oning appraisals of undertaking definition ( i.e. how good has front terminal planning been conducted to specify the undertaking range ) utilizing a numerical undertaking direction tool developed by the Construction Industry Institute ( CII ) that has been tailored for DOE usage. The tool is called the Project Definition Rating Index ( PDRI ) [ 33 ] PDRI IN AN INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY APPROACH The PDRI has by and large been applied to traditional building undertakings that follow the design, command and concept attack. In this attack the design squad coatings their work and handover to the building squad. The building squad foremost interface is normally after the completion or partial completion of the elaborate designs. At this point the executing is ready to get down, and clip and budget are already firmed up. Any disagreements noticed between assorted drawings and skips and or add-ons at this point forth translate to bespeak for alteration orders. The consequence of hapless range definition begins to attest. Construction today is traveling from the traditional attack described above to Integrated Project Delivery attack. Integrated Project Delivery ( IPD ) is a undertaking bringing attack that integrates people, systems, concern constructions and patterns into a procedure that collaboratively harnesses the endowments and penetrations of all participants to cut down waste and optimize efficiency through all stages of design, fiction and building[ 34 ]. In an incorporate procedure hazard and benefits are jointly shared. Cardinal demands in the IPD procedure are coaction and early engagement of assorted stakeholders. The proprietor, designer, applied scientists, contractor, subcontractors are assembled at the origin of the undertaking and they jointly work through the clients brief or statement of range, doing parts from their assorted subjects. This collaborative attack is continued through the assorted stages of the undertaking until the plants are completed and handed over to the proprietor. Scope definition in this attack is a joint work devising room for varied and comprehensive thoughts ; points that would hold caused disagreements on site are thrown up and resolved. Those who normally asked for information elucidations at executing phase are all portion of the squad developing the range and are therefore able to indicate out those countries that are normally uncomplete in range definition utilizing the traditional building attack. In this attack the PDRI in its current signifier can be used as a benchmark for the completeness of the information that the elaborate design would be based on. PDRI IN A BUILDING INFORMATION MODEL ( BIM ) ENVIRONMENT BIM is an Integrated Project Delivery Approach with practical theoretical accounts and informations bases. A edifice information theoretical account ( BIM ) is a digital representation of physical and functional features of a installation. As such it serves as a shared cognition resource for information about a installation organizing a dependable footing for determinations during its life-cycle from origin onward [ 35 ]. The basic theoretical account is 3D but when sequence of building is added, it becomes a 4D theoretical account. When linked with gauging package it becomes a 5D theoretical account. The usage of 3D theoretical account in BIM enhances visual image and provides lucidity peculiarly for individuals with small accomplishments in reading building drawings. As an IPD procedure the undertaking stakeholders are assembled early in the planning procedure and working collaboratively are able to bring forth a batch of diverse and comprehensive range information within a short clip. Based on the generated information, the Architect, Engineers, and fiction contractors/subs develop their practical theoretical accounts which are shared with the squad members. By this attack countries of struggle are identified and fi xed while still in the design development phase. In the traditional building attack these struggles are non identified until the executing stage and they by and large lead to alter orders and hence cost overproductions. BIM is based on information and information which must be organized, stored, retrieved, and transmitted through out the life rhythm of a undertaking. One of the pictured tools for forming information in BIM is the Omniclass Construction Classification System ( OminClass or OCCS ) . Harmonizing to the US National Institute of Building Sciences, OmniClass is applicable for forming many different signifiers of information of import to the NBIM Standard, both electronic and difficult transcript[ 36 ]. OmniClass has 15 tabular arraies for categorization of building information. For illustration building information can be classified by elements ( table 21 ) , merchandises ( table 23 ) , subjects ( table 33 ) etc. Entries in the OmniClass tabular arraies can be explicitly defined in the IFDLibrary one time and reused repeatedly, enabling dependable automated communications between applications a primary end of NBIMS[ 37 ]. IFD Library is a sort of lexicon of building industry footings that must be used systematically in multiple linguistic communications to accomplish consistent consequences. The PDRI can happen look in BIM if its 64 elements are aligned with the OmniClass elements table. But herein besides lies the restriction as the information in BIM can be organized with several other tabular arraies. Where this is the instance the PDRI will non be utile. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The PDRI is a range definition tool that can be used on any undertaking with enormous benefits as before highlighted. Its usage minimizes the effects of hapless range definition on a undertaking. However the use is still limited to America and some parts of Europe. Sing its part to project success I recommend that the tool be widely publicized for usage by a greater audience. Many people already use one signifier of WBS or the other for range definition, the job nevertheless is the non standardisation of the WBS and its dictionary. OmniClass is turn outing to be a dominant categorization system whose elements can be used to organize the edifice blocks of a standard WBS alongside the IFD Library. It is recommended that the PDRI elements be updated and aligned with the OmniClasss elements to guarantee its continued utility in a fast changing building Industry. The PDRI is most suited for traditional building attacks. With modern undertaking bringing attacks such as IPD and BIM, the demand for the recommended alliance of PDRI elements with OmniClass can non be over emphatic. The PDRI in its current signifier has limited application in IPD and BIM environment. The Project Definition Rating Index ( PDRI ) is a undertaking direction tool designed to increase the likeliness of undertaking success by bettering undertaking range definition, specifically by placing lacks in range definition early during the front-end planning procedure[ 38 ]. Analysiss of tonss from a undertaking appraisal utilizing the PDRI isolates ill defined elements of range for which farther action can be taken. When this farther action is taken it leads to betterment in the overall definition of the undertaking range. I hence recommend this tool for anyone who wants to better undertaking range definition and guarantee success in his undertaking.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Physics Practical; Comparing and improving two rainfall gauge experiments Essay Example

Physics Practical; Comparing and improving two rainfall gauge experiments Essay Example Physics Practical; Comparing and improving two rainfall gauge experiments Essay Physics Practical; Comparing and improving two rainfall gauge experiments Essay The aim of this experiment is to test and improve an existing rainfall measuring experiment using a potential divider. I have done this by modifying the equipment I use; this has given me a better resolution and more linear results. Apparatus For the first unimproved experiment * 5 volt Dc power supply * Rotary potentiometer * Float * Voltmeter * Beaker * Metal rods * Blue tack * Clamp stand * Ruler For the second experiment; * 5 volt DC power supply * Rotary potentiometer * Clamp stand * Arm with joint * Volt meter * Beaker * Float * Ruler Safety If the water is spilt then it must be mopped up. The beaker might break if it falls on the floor therefore all equipment must be kept away from the edge of the table. The rotary potential divider must be secured in a clamp stand. This must be held tightly so that it will not fall on the table as this would damage both he table and the rotary potential divider. Diagram of Experiment 1 Diagram of Experiment 2 Theory A rotary potentiometer has a primary use in fuel gauges in cars however it is also useful in rain detectors or robot arm sensors. It works because, when a 5 volt current is passed through the two potential divider connections and the rotary arm if fully opened up the full current will pass through. However if the arm closes slightly a different output voltage is given. Therefore to measure an amount of liquid in and area the voltage is measured by a voltmeter. The voltmeter must be set across the rotary potentiometer to gain clear results. Method For the first experiment, the rotary potentiometer was connected to the power supply. After this, I connected a voltmeter to measure the voltage across the rotary potentiometer. The rotary potentiometer is then firmly attached to a clamp and stand so as not to fall out on to the table. Then I fixed a metal rod to a right angle of the potential divider from the moving spindle at the centre of the rotary potentiometer, as this moved the out put voltage changed. From this right-angled rod, another rod was attached at an angle of 90à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ downwards. The rods where joined together by blue tack. This downwards rod was connected to a float, which was a ping-pong ball. Assembled it is the immersed into a beaker where the water was added and the out put voltage is to be measured. For the second experiment, I did the same this made my experiment fair. However, I altered the arm, this enabled the arm to rotate more smoothly also I used a larger container for the experiment. Therefore, the float would not constantly hit the sides. In addition, I used a polystyrene float this floated better than a ping-pong ball. All output voltage will be measured in à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m on the voltmeter. Also not only as I add a set increasing ml of water must I measure the output voltage I must measure how much the water level for each addition of 100ml of water has increased. Once I have this result I can calculate the average resolution for my sensor Problems For the second experiment there where minimal errors, due to the fact the aim of the second experiment was to eliminate errors from the first experiment. For the first experiment, the beaker was the wrong shape for the task. This meant that as the arm was elevated when the water started to fill the beaker the float encountered the sides and therefore giving anomalous results. To stop this from happening in the second experiment I used a larger beaker. This stopped the arm and float from hitting the side. The change in beaker shape would have affected the results for the two experiments; therefore, I used a beaker that gave enough clearance however, it was very similar to the first beaker this meant my results would not be affected by a large amount. I measured this out put voltage difference between the two beakers and compensated for it in the results from my second experiment therefore giving accurate results. Also in the first experiment the rods where joined by using two rods at 90à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ through the rotary potentiometers spindle. Alternatively, though this measured the level of water accurately, it gave no give in the joint between the two arms, this allowed the float to hit the sides and give me anomalous results. To stop this from happening in the second experiment I used an arm that had been professionally made this meant that it gave accurate results because it would be at a constant angle of 70à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, and did not twist or hit the side. The two arms where attached between the 70à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ angle with two plastic disks these where on a pivot to allow the arms freedom to move from left to right of each other however it would not spin in the opposite direction. This spin would give the anomalous results. For the first experiment, the ping-pong ball also caused problems. When water was added to the container the ball did not rise this was because it had holes in the surface and therefore filled with water. To stop this occurring I changed the b all. In the second experiment, I changed the ball to a polystyrene ball, I did this because polystyrene floats better than a PVC ball, and this gave my results for the second experiment an extra degree of accuracy. The second experiment also had fewer problems as it was an improved experiment. At first when I set, the second experiment up the potential divider was faulty therefore; I had to change this for a different rotary potential divider. In addition, my first selected beaker for the second experiment also made the float hit the side and gave me faulty readings this meant I had to change for a slightly larger beaker. Results Results for the first unmodified experiment; voltage output/à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m (+/-0.001V) Rainfall/ml v-out v-out v-out Average output 0 119.5 135.6 124.2 126.4 400 115.2 110.6 120.5 115.4 500 105.6 95.6 103.0 101.4 600 78.0 85.4 83.2 82.2 700 56.2 54.2 51.3 53.9 800 28.1 34.2 31.9 31.3 900 7.9 6.2 9.7 7.9 1000 2.0 0.5 1.1 1.2 Resolution 3mm Results for the second (modified) experiment; voltage output/à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m (+/-0.001V) Rainfall/ml v-out v-out v-out v-out v-out Average output 0 129.4 130.0 132.0 130.8 130.3 130.0 400 117.9 121.7 122.0 120.5 119.6 120.0 500 115.3 110.7 111.9 113.2 114.3 113.4 600 82.5 83.1 81.9 83.1 83.0 82.5 700 60.0 57.5 58.6 59.7 60.7 59.6 800 30.1 29.7 32.1 30.22 27.9 30.8 900 10.5 8.9 9.5 9.6 10.1 9.8 1000 0.9 1.01 0.8 1.03 1.01 1.01 Resolution 2.5mmThese results provide me with the evidence I need to compose graphs and to draw a conclusion. Analysis of my results The second experiment also had fewer errors as it was an improved experiment. At first when I set, the second experiment up the potential divider was faulty therefore; I had to change this for a different rotary potential divider. In addition, my first selected beaker for the second experiment also made the float hit the side and gave me faulty readings this meant I had to change for a slightly larger beaker and recalculate the difference in volt output per measure meant taken. The resolution of the second experiment was around about 3mm this was adequate for measuring rainwater as it normal rains more than 3mm in 1 day. However, I increased the resolution of the rainfall detector by 0.5mm. This shows that these small changes have improved my experiment. The graph for the first experiment is linear, despite this there are some anomalous results for example 900mm, which gave an average volt output, of 0.00079v. This could have been down to a number factor such as parallax error of measuring the water level or taking the reading during a fluctuation of the voltmeter. The results for my second experiment are obviously more accurate when plotted on a graph. This is because on the first graph there are five results that do not fit onto the trend line, however my improved experiments graphical results show that the results are more closely suited to a linear trend line. This is because of the improvements in equipment that was used also more accuracy which means less parallax error. Parallax error is human error of measurement. Evaluation The aim of the experiment was to improve an existing experiment to measure the rainfall by using a rotary potentiometer. The results that I have collected and displayed on the graph show that I have increased the accuracy of the results. The new results form an increased correlation on a trend line. In addition, the resolution of my experiment has increased by 0.5mm of water this is very impressive as I thought at the start of this experiment that the resolution would of remained the same. Also if this was to be made into a really rain measuring gauge it would be easier to keep outside and not have to monitor constantly. This is because of the alterations I have made. Before if the first experiment were left for 24 hours the float would have hit the side if it floated at all, and there would have had to be 3mm of rain for a clear reading to be taken. With the improved experiment, it could now be left outside, because the new arm joint allows the arm movement and to measure at a constant angle however, it will not hit the side of the beaker, only 2.5mm of rain would have to fall for a reading to be take n and the ball is assured to float. If I was to improve the experiment further, I would use a resistance box, and a power supply that gave a constant 5 volts instead of a power supply that gave a fluctuating 5 volts, I would also use a more sensitive voltmeter. A resistance box would not increase the resolution however; it would increase the strength of the signal to the voltmeter and therefore giving a better reading. If I were to use a fixed 5 volt, power supply it would give me a constant 5 volts instead of fluctuating around 5 volts this would also improve my voltmeter readings and linearity of my graph. If I was to use a more sensitive voltmeter I could increase the accuracy of my results by 1 decimal place this although would not improve my results it would make them easier to anomalies and then I would be able to find a more affective way of stopping the anomalous results.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case study examining a firm in the US from a microeconomic standpoing Research Paper

Case study examining a firm in the US from a microeconomic standpoing - Research Paper Example Apple operates in both oligopoly and monopolistic conditions. Apple Inc. is American technological company with headquarters in Cupertino, California. Apple is a huge, tremendous corporation that is the business of design and selling smartphones and computers. Apple is also a strong competitor in the business of offering online services. The company was founded in 1976. The three founders of Apple are Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak. The company became Apple Computer Inc. in 1977. The name was changed to Apple Inc. in 2007. Currently, Apple is the second largest information technology based on revenue earned. It is bettered by Samsung Electronics, which holds number one position. The company employs 72,800 employees who are permanent and work full time. It has 425 retail stores that are found in over fourteen countries. Moreover, the company is responsible for operating its online businesses, which are Apple and ITunes stores. The company enjoys brand loyalty and high revenues. The paper examines Apple Inc. from a macroeconomic perspective. Supply and Demand have a direct influence on business operations. Supply affects the amount of products in the market, which will eventually affect the price of products. Price increase with a decrease in demand.. Demand refers to the desire of consumers to obtain a service or product. The interplay of supply demand leads to the price elasticity, which explains how changes in price affect demand for products and services. Apple is a multinational company, which means United States and global economic conditions affect its operations. It is obvious Apple is affected by the dynamics of supply and demand, which are at the center of all markets. Apple Inc. has been affected by increase in the number of people who have use computers and smartphones. The increased demand for smartphones and computers is due to the need for growth. In response, the company has been able to register

Saturday, November 2, 2019

IT and Strategic Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IT and Strategic Systems - Research Paper Example Currently, competitive advantages mainly originate from technological enhancements as well as innovation regarding business models and processes. This makes support activities like information systems along with research and development the most important sources of advantage in terms of differentiation. Additionally, primary activities are mainly the sources of cost advantage making the costs easily identifiable for every activity and thus properly managed (Harvard Business Publishing, 2008). The main aim of value chain activities is offering the customers value that will surpass the costs of the activities so that it can lead to profit margins. The primary activities associated with the value chain include inbound logistics that involves receiving and warehousing materials that will be used for production as well as distributing them to the manufacturing department when they are needed. Other activities are operations, which entail the process of transformation of inputs into finished commodities, and outbound logistics that involves storing the finished goods in warehouses and distributing them when needed. Marketing and sales, involving identifying the needs of the customers and generating sales as well as service that supports customers after they have bought the commodities are also activities that are associated with the value chain. These activities are supported by among other things technological development, which comes up with various technologies that support the activities of creating value (, 2010). Porter’s five forces assume five significant forces that define the level of competition in a business environment including supply power that evaluates the ease with which suppliers can increase prices depending on the number of suppliers on every key input, how unique the commodity is and the costs associated with

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Construction Requirements Placed on Commercial Buildings Term Paper

The Construction Requirements Placed on Commercial Buildings - Term Paper Example ral barriers to existing facilities, which must be â€Å"readily accessible† – that is, businesses must determine whether it could fulfill such removals given the project costs. Otherwise, such non-compliance would cause the company to be charged with discrimination against the disabled. Exempted from this rule are private clubs, places of worship and historical landmarks. The APA is a unique piece of legislation in that it is flexible, allowing much leeway for legislators and implementers alike to amend and strengthen the law in accordance with the changes in society that directly affect disabled people. This is also in anticipation of the friction that might occur between advancing the rights of persons with disabilities and furthering the profit-making potential of business entities (ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business 9). Not surprisingly, a number of regulations related to the law have been made and eventually revised through the years. Along with the ADAâ€⠄¢s enactment, the Standards for Accessible Design were published in 1991 which defined the merits and requirements for an accessible facility for the compliance of businesses. Implemented by the Disability Rights Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, the standards were influenced by the ADA Accessibility Guidelines formulated by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Andrews 19). In 2004, the justice department and the Board thought it necessary to revise and improve the guidelines based on a list of suggestions submitted by the American Institute of Architects ("The Angle: New ADA Standards." On September 15, 2010, the justice department published a new set of standards for accessible design in the Federal Register, in tune with numerous developments that affect the... As observed, the technical specifications included in the 1991 and 2010 ADA Standards are not necessarily strict. While details are provided as to the measurements, placing of amenities and other related factors, there is no explicit mention of any enforcement clause. This implies that small businesses which could not easily afford the requirements of the law may choose to adjust the dimensions depending on the size and floor area of its building, with the help of reliable civil engineers. Business owners must not use this realization as a scapegoat to not fulfilling the provisions in, say, around 10 to 15 years, since it is posited that their commercial endeavors would have progressed by that time.Businesses still find it hard to comply with the law’s provisions. From the interview conducted with the ADA review specialist and the survey of non-compliance issues, it can be deduced that construction and design professionals could not meet at the center in terms of equipment and building material specifications. Businesses, on the other hand, are confronted with the challenge of using the appropriate materials for new constructions and structural alterations that are ADA-compliant, while still being wary of the expense limits. Apparently though, business owners failed to realize the long-term benefits of ADA compliance not just for the benefit of people of disabilities, but also for the convenience it can bring to the employees and even to the general public, given the increasing complication of modern working and living.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Investigate the following hypothesises Essay Example for Free

Investigate the following hypothesises Essay Drop (d) in cm Frequency Cumulative Frequency 5 will now put the results from the cumulative frequency table into a cumulative frequency curve for males and females. From both cumulative frequency curves I can take an approximate median and inter-quartile range for both females and males. It tells me that the females have a smaller and lower inter-quartile range, of 4 (16 12=4) than the males whom have a wider and higher one of 7 (19 12= 7). This suggests that the male results in general were more varied than those of the females. It also suggests that the approximate median average for females was 14. Whereas the approximate median for males is 15. 5, which implies that the females have a lower reaction time on median average than males. However, there is only a slight difference. To show the inter-quartile ranges and the median more clearly I have put the information from the cumulative frequency graph into a box plot for each of males and females. These box plots define the varied results of the males and the closeness between the females results. I will now use histograms to show the continuous grouped data. . Drop (d) in cm Frequency width Frequency Frequency Density 5The standard deviation measures the spread of the data about the mean value. It can allow me to compare males and females, which may have the same mean but a different range. Gender Mean average Step 1From the results of the standard deviation I can distinguish that the distribution round the mean average of the female and male frequency was very low. The standard deviation suggests that the females results are generally more spread out round the mean rather than the males whom are not so spread out. This means that males generally have similar reaction times rather than females whom the results imply to have more varied results. Conclusion: From the data I collected I have found that males appear to have better reaction times than females, which seems to be linked closely to them having lower pulse rates. This suggests both my hypotheses to be correct and closely linked to one another. Although, on median average females have been implied to have a lower reaction time. However, the male and female median average are extremely similar so due to the males having a increasingly better mean average seem to generally have better pulse rates and reaction times. This proves that everyone has different reaction times, which can be altered by many different variables such as that as pulse rate. Evaluation: I could have tested reaction times in a many more ways and did not have to use just light as a stimuli for the reaction time. I could have used sound like the reaction time for someone to hear the sound of a gun at a beginning of a race and to react to that and start running. Also the subjects results could have been affected by anything from light and sound distractions to whether they had consumed a substance containing caffeine before they had taken part in the activity set for them. Some of these will not have been able to improve on but others such as where and when I had collected my data may have made possible for bias results to come up in my investigation. Whether the subjects were tired, focussed, motivated will have made a difference to their performance as well so external influences can play a big part in the alteration of results. Also if the participant had carried out this particular type of investigation before or if they trained specially to improve a reaction like those whom train for sprinting would have had a clear advantage than those whom had not carried out the experiment before. In my experiment I also found that an exact recording of how far the ruler actually dropped before it was caught hard and can be seen to have been rounded to the nearest centimetre, which will not have not given me very accurate results. Kirstie Anne Jackson Mathematics 2 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.